Thursday, 26 May 2011

Physics of the future

Michio Kaku, "Physics of the future"

  • In the future, the words "car accident" may gradually disappear from the English language.
  • Consciousness, as I see it, is a process that can be ranked on a scale, rather than being a sudden evolutionary event, and it will take many decades for robots to ascent up this scale of consciousness. After all, it took Mother Nature millions of years to develop human consciousness.
  • Perhaps we are born with a "happiness set point." Day by day we may oscillate around this set point, but its level is fixed at birth. In the future, via drugs or gene therapy, one may be able to shift this set point, especially for those who are chronically depressed.
  • There is an unexpected side effect of having enhanced memory; smart mice are sometimes paralyzed by fear.
  • The decoherence problem is the single most difficult barrier to creating quantum computers. Anyone who can solve the problem of decoherence will not only win a Nobel Prize but also become the richest man on earth.
  • One of the reasons an electrical plant has to be so close to a city is because of losses in transmission lines. That is why nuclear power plants are so close to cities,...
  • Journalists in search of a scandal say, "Follow the money," but astronomers searching for life in space say, "Follow the water."
  • (It's sad that in America there is the old expression, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.")
  • "Give me a fish, and I will eat for a day. Teach me how to fish, and I will eat forever."
  • In the West, there is the expression "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." But in the East, there is another expression: "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down."
  • ... These events are so exceedingly rare that the word "unmix" does not exist in the English---or any other---language.
  • As the philosopher Immanuel Kant once said, "Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." In my opinion, wisdom is the ability to identify the crucial issues of our time, analyze them from many different points of view and perspectives, and then choose the one that carries out some noble goal and principle.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


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