hatena blogへ移りました.
Ciao, hasta la vista, babe...
Friday, 17 October 2014
Saturday, 3 May 2014
上田 正仁 著
- マニュアル力の上に,考える力があり,その上に創造力がある.
- マニュアル力は,受験や試験などで良い点数を取れるような,解き方を系統的に記憶していけるような能力.
- 考える力は,答えがあるかどうか分からないような問題でも,何が分からないかを明確にして分からないところを解明していける力.
- 創造力は,おそらく問題を見つける力.
- マニュアル力(受験勉強)がいらないというわけではない!(それは基礎なので必要.それがないと,インサイドキックができないけど,変なテクニックにこだわってるようなサッカー選手と同じ!)
- 勉強した際に,すでに分かった事に関する資料は捨ててしまえ.それらが目につくと集中力が削がれるため,効率が悪くなる.
- 流行りのテーマを追うな.流行りのテーマは,他人が見つけた問題であり,既に多くの人がその問題およびその周辺の問題に取り組んでいる.それらの人に追い越して勝てる自信があるのなら別だが...
- 取り組むべき課題は,周囲の流行とは関係なく,自分で見つけだした課題.自分で見つけた課題であれば,困難であっても諦めずに考え続けられる!
Friday, 18 April 2014
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Writing a Paper
by Whitesides, G. M. (2004).
Whitesides’ Group: Writing a Paper. Advanced Materials, 16(15), 1375–1377. doi:10.1002/adma.200400767
- 研究はpaperとして発表されなければ,行われなかった事と同じである.
- outlineから書き始めるべきである.
- 全てのデータがそろうまでoutlineを書き始めないなんてことはすべきでない.全てのデータがそろうことなどない.
- outlineを書くこと自体がその研究を進行するのを助ける.
- abstractは書かない.これはpaperの最後に加える.
- introの最初は結構詳しく書く.特に,なぜこの研究をするのか,なぜ重要なのか,他に誰がどのように行ったか.
- results and discussionはたいてい一緒に書かれる.
- outlineでは多くの文章を書かない.ただし,図やテーブルなどのデータは正しい位置に配置すべし.
- outlineにおいては,conclusionは短い言葉で列挙する.必要なとき以外,resultsと同じことを書かない.conclusionはsummaryではない.
- 出来る限り研究の初期段階でoutlineを書き始めること.決して研究の終わりで書こうとしない.
- outlineを文章で書くのではなく,少ない文,図やテーブルなどで構成する.
- 重要な順に構成する.研究した時系列でまとめない.
Some points of styles
- 名詞を形容詞として使わない:「reaction product」--->「production of the reaction」
- 「this」は名詞の前に置く:「This is a fast reaction」--->「This reaction is fast」
- 実験結果は過去形:「Addition of water gives product.」--->「Addition of water gave product.」
- 可能な限り能動態を使う:「It was observed that the solution turned red.」--->「The solution turned red.」「We observed that the solution turned red.」
Monday, 24 March 2014
libffi.dylibについて on Mac
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
"Naked Economics: Understanding the Dismal Science"
Charles Wheelan,
- Capitalism can be a brutal, cruel process.
- Creative destruction is a tremendous positive force in the long run.
- "No pain, no gain"
- There is an old aphorism in advertising: "I know I'm wasting half my money; I just with I know which half."
- That is the symptom, not the illness. The underlying problem is a lack of skills, or human capital.
- Remember, human capital embodies not only classroom training but also perseverance, honesty, creativity---virtues that lend themselves to finding work.
- our total stock of human capital---everything we know as a people---defines how well off we are as a society.
- Not diamonds, buildings, oil, or fancy purses---but things that we carry around in our heads.
- Even small differences among children in the preparation provided by their families are frequently multiplied over time into large differences when they are teenager.
- As John Maynard Keynes once noted, "In the long run, productivity is everything."
- The democratic process will always favor small, well-organized groups at the expense of large, diffuse groups. It's not just how many people care one way or the other; it's how much they care. Two percent who care deeply about something are a more potent political force than the 98 percent who feel the opposite but aren't motivated enough to do anything about it.
- An occasional crisis may be a price worth paying for faster growth.
- Paul Krugman has noted, "You could say---and I would---that globalization, driven not by human goodness but by the profit motive, has done far more good for far more people than all the foreign aid and soft loans ever provided by well-intentioned governments and international agencies." Then he adds wistfully, "But in saying this, I know experience that I have guaranteed myself a barrage of hate mail."
- Displaced workers often have a skills problem. (Far more workers are made redundant by new technology than by trade.)
- International trade makes markets bigger, more competitive, and more disruptive. Mark Twain anticipated the fundamental dilemma: "I'm all for progress; it's change I don't like."
- Anyone who is not a socialist before he is thirty has no heart; anyone who is still a socialist after he is thirty has no head.
- If you buy a product made in a third-world country, it was produced by workers who are paid incredibly little by Western standards and probably work under awful conditions. Anyone who is not bothered by those facts, at least some of the time, has no heart. But that doesn't mean the demonstrators are right. On the contrary, anyone who thinks that the answer to world poverty is simple outrage against global trade has no head---or chooses not to use it.
- If a nation starts out skilled, it gets more skilled. If it starts out unskilled, it stays unskilled.
- life is about maximizing utility, not income.
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